Jay Mallonee is a research biologist with a master's degree in neurobiology/animal behavior. Through his business of Wolf and Wildlife Studies, he conducted a nine year study of the Fishtrap pack in northwest Montana: the longest behavioral study of wolves in Montana's history outside of Yellowstone National Park. Previous studies have included wolves in captivity and a variety of cetaceans such as gray whales, bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoise, Dall's porpoise and orcas. He also has been teaching college level science courses since 1992, with an emphasis in environmental science and anatomy/physiology. Other courses included chemistry, ecology, biology, physical science, physiological psychology, developmental psychology, and wolf biology at Michigan Tech University.

Mallonee's research publications include a study of summering gray whales published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology, and the documentation of traumatic stress displayed by a wild wolf placed into captivity. This study was published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. His research of the Fishtrap wolves was published in the The Journal of American Science and includes pack behavior never before documented. Mallonee also published a review in Nature and Science of the wolf population data collected by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. This is the agency responsible for wolf management. He found that their information was extremely flawed and was not collected using scientific methods as they had claimed. Nevertheless, their data is used to justify killing hundreds of wolves each year throughout the state. Because their own information demonstrates that it is money and convenience that drives management decisions, Mallonee has begun an online petition to end the hunting and trapping of Montana's wolves. He will take the signatures and comments to the Governor's Office himself, along with the media, and demand answers as to why flawed data is used to make management decisions.
Articles about Mallonee have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake, the Missoulian, the Olympian, the Western News, and the Lakeshore Country Journal. He also has been featured on KCFW's local news (Montana) and several radio talk shows, including an interview by NPR. Mallonee has also written articles about wolves for Actionline Magazine and Flathead Living Magazine, along with a featured column about animal behavior and wolves for the Kootenai Valley Record. He also wrote the book Timber - A Perfect Life, an account of his sixteen year relationship with a profound canine companion.
For more specific information, you can read or download the portfolio of his writing and editing experience.