Wolf and Wildlife Studies
Making Donations

Thank you for considering a donation to Wolf and Wildlife Studies. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all donations are tax deductable. Currently there are two ways to make donations. You can contact Wolf and Wildlife Studies directly at info@wolfandwildlifestudies.com and we can go over the best donation method for you to use, or if you feel comfortable with PayPal you can use the donation link below. 

Why donate?
The current project in which Montana's wolves are studied is Scyefal Wolf Research, the highest priority for funding. It often takes years to understand how just one wolf pack is utilizing their local environment, which in turn can help protect them through public education and advocacy. Accruing the facts about wolves, and educating the pubic, helps to counter the misinterpretation about these animals and the mountain of misinformation associated with them. However, the new study of the wolves in the Yaak Valley is starting from scratch because virtually nothing is known about these animals, other than this area has wolves. Updating research equipment, i.e., cameras, acoustical equipement, computer software, and additional documenting devices is badly needed. Therefore, donations at this time are greatly needed and appreciated.

Montana's wolves are under the continuing threats of hunting, poaching and government control actions. Hunting season begins at the beginning of September and continues for six months. Archery season first, followed by general rifle season, then a trapping season is added near the end. After this six month period, hundreds of Montana's wolves will have been killed, and the detrimental effects to the surrounding environment and the disruption to surviving wolf packs will continue.

Most wolves live in national forests: natural areas highly manipulated by people. Collectively through the federal government, the American people own national forests and everything in them. These are your wolves. Overall, the Department of Agriculture manages the forests for us, but some aspects are managed by specific agencies. One of these is Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. They use hunting seasons to supplement their budget and as their main management tool. Please help Wolf and Wildlife Studies counter the destructive effects of wolf management and to show the world the truth about wolves.

Our mission
As a research and educational organization, we are dedicated to providing the public with factual information about the environment and wildlife. This process occurs through ongoing field research of Montana's wolves, publishing science based information about animal behavior and the environment in peer-review scientific journals, as magazine articles and books. Public presentations are used to promote this information in a fun and interactive way which can help facilitate advocacy for conserving our remaining wildlands, along with the reasons why that is important. Field research classes have been taught as well through Wolf and Wildlife Studies, often in conjunction with universities and colleges. In addition, consulting work with wildlife management agencies and environmental organizations has provided training to personnel about research techniques and background information regarding the consequences of wolf management.


Sceyefal Wolf Research
Make A Donation
Fishtrap Pack
MT Wolf Management
Research Papers

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ActionLine Articles
Critter Corner
Timber - A Perfect Life

Book Review
Book Prologue

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About Jay Mallonee

Wolf and Wildlife Studies