Wolf and Wildlife Studies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to providing the public with factual information about the environment and wildlife. This process occurs at several levels: through ongoing field research of northwest Montana's wolves which includes current studies through Sceyefal Wolf Research and the past nine year study of the Fishtrap wolf pack; publishing science based information about animal behavior and the environment in peer-review scientific journals, as magazine articles, books, and this web site; and presenting the facts about hunting wolves in Montana.
The book "Timber - A Perfect Life" can also be purchased via this site, and background information about the book and Timber herself is provided. Publications of current and past studies can be downloaded for free: wolf pack behavior never before documented; Tenino, a wild wolf placed into captivity that suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); a review of Montana's wolf population data; and the behavior of summering gray whales off the coast of northern California.
For information about making tax deductable donations, please click here.
Timber - A Perfect Life is now available on iTunes! Visit the iTunes store.
The Truth About Wolves - summer 2010 edition of Flathead Living Magazine (p. 108).
Loss Of Big Predators Disrupts Earth Ecosystem - from the journal Science.
Sceyefal Wolf Research
This project is a blend of education and research to increase the public's awareness of wolves here in northwest Montana, and to offer a more accurate view of how these animals fit into the environment. This includes the study of wolf behavior, public presentations and working with local ranchers to monitor the presence of wolves. Sceyefal Wolf Research is my response to the negative attitude displayed by some of the pubic toward wolves and to help counter the general ignorance about these animals and their behavior.
ActionLine Magazine Articles
ActionLine is the magazine published by Friends of Animals. I have written articles for them since 2012, most of which have been about the wolf issues here in Montana and my research. However, the curent article describes my meeting with the lead wolf managers at the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and the main topics we had discussed - in this case trophic cascading. They wanted a scientist's point of view regarding their future wolf management, and we had a frank and straightforward discussion. Click the title or the picture below to read or download the article:
Killing Wolves Is A Detriment To Ecosystems
We Are The Rock
Learn more about the Earth's natural processes that have been disrupted by human activity which cause our current evnvironmental issues. To read or download the article, click above.
Help End The Hunting And Trapping Of Montana's Wolves
Consider signing my petition to end management pratices that ignore what science knows about wolves. For more information, click above.
Hunting Wolves In Montana - Where Are The Data?
This review paper was published on September 3, 2011, in Nature and Science, a peer reviewed scientific journal.
Wolf and Wildlife Studies has proven that people from diverse backgrounds, i.e., hunters, ranchers, students, biologists, and the general public can work together toward a better understanding of our surrounding natural environment. This web site will provide you with some background information about these and other subjects, along with photos and video of the Fishtrap pack. Thank you for visiting this site.